The MHSA Young Professionals Group (MHSA YPG) is dedicated to creating a dynamic environment that fosters connections between young professionals as they engage in ending homelessness. As the group continues to grow, we are excited to launch a member spotlight series that highlights the experiences of young professionals who are currently involved with MHSA YPG. This week, you’ll learn more about Jeremiah Hasson and his time with MHSA YPG!
YPG Member: Jeremiah Hasson
Labor Counsel, Office of Labor Relations, Boston Public Schools
How long have you been a part of MHSA YPG?
I became a member of the YPG in 2013.
Why did you become involved?
I had the pleasure of sitting next to MHSA President & Executive Director Joe Finn at a community breakfast in Quincy, MA. Joe, being the skilled orator that he is, spoke at length about the organization, its mission and its innovative approach toward ending homelessness. His passion, energy and persistence convinced me that I should get involved.
If someone asked you to describe the work that MHSA does, what would you say?
MHSA works with public and private partners to advocate for programs and services that will end homelessness through sustainable permanent housing solutions.
What is your favorite thing about being a part of MHSA YPG?
The best aspects of the YPG are working with the intelligent and dedicated staff of MHSA and knowing that I am contributing, even in a small way, towards finding a sustainable solution to a problem that impacts so many lives.
Why have you stayed connected?
I’ve stayed connected because I am inspired by the MHSA staff, Joe Finn’s energy and dedication, and MHSA’s innovative approach for dealing with the homelessness crisis.
What is your vision for the future of MHSA YPG?
I hope the organization will continue to grow and attract new, energetic young professionals who will continue raising awareness and funds to promote MHSA’s mission.
To learn more about MHSA YPG, visit our page and like us on Facebook to stay connected! If you would like to get involved, contact or call 617-367-6447.
Photograph above: Jeremiah Hasson and his girlfriend Lauren DeViney.