with the
Bob Ray Partnership Award
Dr. Margot Davis is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Behavioral Health at Brandeis University. She has been chosen for the Bob Ray Partnership Award because of a lifetime professional career of both developing and measuring successful interventions to better serve impoverished and marginalized communities. She has been in the field of community mental health her whole career as a therapist and researcher. Forty years ago, she advocated for funding from state agencies to open a shelter for adolescents and it stands to this day. She has conducted a national evaluation of community coalitions to impact addiction policy and evaluated the impact of faith-based programs. Most recently, Dr. Davis has, with her colleagues from Brandeis, studied the impact and effectiveness of a rapid re-housing program for homeless young adults, which is one of the most rigorous looks at the characteristics of homelessness of this emerging population. She reflects the same generous, but wholly professional spirit of Bob Ray by endorsing the need for measurement and evaluation of interventions to determine if they are meeting the stated goals. It is a great honor for MHSA to name Dr. Davis as the 2019 recipient of the Bob Ray Partnership Award.
Open the Door Sponsor
Turn the Key Sponsor
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