Home for Good: Solutions Start Here (#HFG17)

Pictured above: Joe Finn (right) presents the Bob Ray Partnership Award to Jay Cashman (left). Photo credit: Person + Killian Photography.  On May 18, MHSA supporters gathered at the Hyatt Regency Boston to celebrate MHSA’s 14th Annual Spring Fundraising Event, Home for Good: Solutions Start Here. At the event, MHSA honored Jay Cashman of Jay Cashman, Inc. for his outstanding contributions to ending…

NBC News Broadcast Features MHSA on the Significance of Permanent Supportive Housing

NBC News has broadcast “New England Speaks on The Homeless Count,” the latest “This is New England” show hosted by Latoyia Edwards. The broadcast features Richard Ring, President of FamilyAid Boston, and Tom Brigham, Director of Massachusetts Alliance for Supportive Housing (MASH) at MHSA. Tom responds to claims that the number of families and individuals experiencing…